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Please follow the application process outlined below.


2025 Competition Information



To compete in the John Pappajohn Iowa Entrepreneurial Venture Competition, go to the YouNoodle website.




  1. On the YouNoodle homepage, create an account, and proceed to the application.

  2. Create a new application. 

  3. Begin filling out the application form. During "Round 1" you will need to respond to the following (see the Resources page for additional information):

    You may update your information after submitting the application until the deadline by going to your profile, selecting your application, and then select the "un-submit application" button. 

  • Problem: What customer problem does your product and/or service solve?

  • Solution: Please describe your product or service.

  • Value Proposition: What benefits does your product or service deliver to your customers and how do these compare to those delivered by your competition?

  • Customer Segments: Outline who your customers are and how you plan to reach them.

  • Financial Potential: Describe any revenue to date and the financial potential of your business opportunity.

  • Current Status: Describe your progress to date, milestones and next steps.


Deadline for Initial Application: Monday, May 12, 2025.




Semi-Finalists must submit the required documents below on YouNoodle Compete under "Round 2." The finalists will be notified by August 8.

Supporting documents to include in your Final Application (see the Resources page for additional information):

  1. Income Statement, preferably current year and 3-year projections. 

  2. Use of Proceeds: How would you use any seed funding you could be awarded in this competition?

  3. Validation: Demonstration validation for your business model using principles of the Lean Startup Methodology / Business Model Canvas tools.




Finalists must submit the document below on YouNoodle

1. Pitch deck (to be used for final presentations; download preferred pitch deck)

Finalists will be invited to present their business to a panel of judges at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. Winners will be announced at an Awards Luncheon immediately following the pitches.

2. A Completed Copy of the Following Release Form: PublicityLiabilityRelease.doc




Other Funding or Competitions. Teams that have already secured funding from any source must disclose the amounts and sources at the time of entry, or as soon as they become aware of any funding commitment during the duration of the competition. Teams that have entered a plan into any other business plan competition must disclose this at the time of entry or as soon as they enter their plan in another competition during the duration of the Pappajohn Iowa Entrepreneurial Venture Competition.


Original Work of Authorship. All entries must be original and free from any claim of copyright or other restriction relating to the John Pappajohn Iowa Entrepreneurial Venture Competition.


Number of Entries. No individual may be included as a "team member" on more than one business plan, and no business may enter more than one business plan.


Payment of Prizes. Winners must be present to receive a cash award. The cash awards paid by the sponsors/judges do not constitute an investment in the winning business plans. Sponsors/judges will not receive equity in the winning companies in exchange for the prize money. Awards to the winners of the John Pappajohn Iowa Entrepreneurial Venture Competition will be issued in the name of the company, per their completed W-9 form as set forth in the plan and the sponsors/judges do not assume any liability for any subsequent distribution.


Rights Reserved. Sponsors reserve the right to change these Official Rules at any time, in its sole discretion, and to suspend or cancel the John Pappajohn Iowa Entrepreneurial Venture Competition or any entrant's participation in the competition should unauthorized human intervention or other causes beyond Sponsors' control, affect the administration, security, or proper play of the competition. No responsibility is assumed and entrants waive all claims for lost, late or misdirected entries, or for any problems of technical malfunction of any telephone or network lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email or entry received by Sponsors on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet, the website or any combination, thereof including, without limitation, any injury or damage to entrant's or any other person's computer resulting from any causes, including without limitation downloading any materials in the promotion. Entrants who violate these Official Rules, tamper with the operation of the Contest or engage in any conduct that is detrimental or unfair to Sponsors, the John Pappajohn Iowa Entrepreneurial Venture Competition, or any other entrant (in each case as determined in Sponsors' sole discretion) are subject to disqualification from entry into the competition. Sponsors reserve the right to lock out any entrant whose eligibility is in question.


Release and Waiver. By entering, participants, without limitation, release and hold harmless Sponsors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability for any injuries, loss, or damage of any kind in connection with the John Pappajohn Iowa Entrepreneurial Venture Competition. By entering this competition, you agree to waive any right to claim ambiguity or error in these Official Rules or in the competition itself.


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